Morgan Rice’s A Quest of Heroes.

[Spoilers!] Don’t waste your time with Morgan Rice, a self-publishing, self-promoting fraud. I bought this book based on the many high internet reviews. The internet is wrong. “He could hardly believe…” that an editor would allow this phrase (and its variants) to be uttered so many times. The hero, Thor, stumbles through the plot, “acting on instinct,” and utterly stupefied at the situations he finds himself in, the effects of his actions, and the ways he is treated. It was past annoying by halfway in.

This repetition is not limited to one phrase, but we are frequently treated to repeat information, stuff that would be appropriate when starting a subsequent book, but not the subsequent chapter. Not to mention the basic plot repetition present in the idea of “the chosen one,” destined for greatness from birth due to his inherent qualities, B.S.

Also, the author shows an apparent lack of knowledge of weaponry (e.g. Medieval bows that you take apart and put back together? That you restring on a table? Not in my experience) and other basic situations (e.g. Saying a mounted man “strode forward,”) that leave me scratching my head.

Still the setting is novel, the action moves along, and it seems to be going somewhere. Where it goes is somewhere where I was not impressed.

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