Dr. Who, Series 2 (2005-2006)

[Spoilers] At the end of Series 1, the 9th Doctor, Chris Eccleston, absorbs energy from the Time Vortex and to keep from actually dying, he transforms into the 10th Doctor, played by David Tennant. Billie Piper stays on cast as his companion, Rose Tyler, which means we keep her mother, Jackie (Camille Coduri), and Rose’s boyfriend Mickey Smith (Noel Clark). In this Series, we see the birth and rise of Torchwood, and a whole host of new aliens and other threats to the universe.

Series Bests

I’ve started to congeal what’s important to me for the purposes of this website, so look for upcoming posts about this series “Best Alien(s)” (pt. 1/pt. 2), “Best Quote/Exchange” (pt. 1/pt. 2) and “Most Disturbing Premise” (pt. 1/pt. 2). When we get a bit deeper into the series, I’ll start to offer some opinions on comparing the Doctors, the companions, the aliens/quotes/premises across the entire run. It keeps me busy. I hope you enjoy.